Friday, January 30, 2009

January 30th, 2009

Although it has been less than a month since my last entry I have some sad news. On Friday, January 9th my little pup decided to escape from my porch and play around in the street. He was struck by a car and what I saw from the aftermath leads me to assume that he died on impact so he did not suffer very much pain. My friends and family were there for support and I am amazed at how much I loved the little guy after only knowing him for a month and a half. Since it has been a few weeks, I am doing much better but I still miss him all the time. He was so cute and such a ball of energy. I do not think he can ever be replaced. St. Lucian's have an interesting view of dogs as nothing more than pets. Once the kids in my neighborhood found out about PJ they all asked when I was going to get another one. They think I should just replace him with a new puppy and get over it. For the next year at least I will not be getting another puppy. I will re-revaluate in a year or so but I do not think I can handle another one right now, and I don't want to try to replace little PJ. Anyway, on the happier topics.

I am trying to get into work now. While spending a lot of time in the Education Office I also spend my time doing crafts at a beautiful estate named Balenbouche. It was an old plantation, maintained for a few hundred years, it is breathtaking. I go every Tuesday to do crafts with a group of people who are from the National Council of/for Persons with Disabilities. I am also working with a nearby volunteer, Jessica, assisting with an after school program that she set up. She was able to secure a $10,000 grant to run the program!! I feel honored to help out with her project, not to mention, the children in the program are adorable. They are in 4th and 5th grade and even though they are loud and rowdy, they are all good, sweet kids. I say that because I work with them twice a week but if I was their teacher everyday I might be singing a different tune!! On Friday afternoons I assist with football training for the boys near my house. Then during the weekdays I attend meetings and I am involved with the Education Office. I do not have any concrete activities yet but hopefully soon I will start some of my own. I am hoping to begin working with the Primary Schools to start some after school programs such as Environmental Club, Health and Wellness Club, and Sports Clubs. The Girl Guides/Boy Scouts movement is beginning but it is a very slow process so hopefully by this time next year I can say that all of the school have these groups.

There have been fun activities off and on. Currently I am excited for a party tonight at my office for a few birthdays. I will spend all of tomorrow cleaning my house because on Sunday I am hosting a Super Bowl Party. We are getting ribs!!! This is a huge deal since I have not had meat (besides chicken) for about 5 months. So I am very excited! Anyway, I have a things to get done at work so I will write soon, hopefully with happy news. I hope everyone is doing well. I miss and love you all!!!


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